Friday, August 20, 2010

Making An Imovie

Making an imovie was a great experience. I learnt a lot about making an imovie. The hardest part was editing the movie. It was very similar to making a podcast. I feel high School children can do projects on imovie. Even middle school teachers can use this as a learning tool. It will be quite difficult to do a project using imovie at elementary level . However as an Elementary level teachers we can use imovie as an educational tool.
We watched everyone's movies in class. It was amazing how we all use different aspects of technology for our imovie. Some of the movies were very entertaining. We have a very creative class. I will definitely play with the imovie gadgets and get comfortable with it before I use it with my students.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Horizon Report

I read Horizon report over the weekend and did not understand it. We had a discussion in class Monday about the report and it started making sense to me. It kind of scared me. I feels every thing is going to be on computers. I love people. I think some of this new stuff is going to make life very complex.
Can we go back in old times when people sate around fire at night and told stories. If we are doing all this work to make our life better. Is this going to make our life better?

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I have been working on my podcast since friday. It is not done yet!!!! It has the audio, pictures and music. My podcast music, audio, and pictures do not  really sink in.I find it an inch deep mile long curriculum .
I love the potcast idea and I can see how kids can use it in class. It can be an amazing teaching tool. However my frustration is with the fact, that we had to learn it all in one class!!!!! I think we can use few more classes to master it.  
I have seen some amazing podcasts. That is some thing that kids might do in computer class. It depends on my class  and their age group. If I was in the fifth grad, I will probably do use podcast to work in their science and history class. 
I will probably listen to podcast for professional development. It is a great resource. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It was a very interesting class. I learned a lots of neat stuff about my computer . I have this computer over a year. I only knew basic functions of it, but know I can use it more effectively. There are so many cool short cuts and gadgets on MAC. I will explore them.
I  setup my blogg . I do not think I will use it very often. It is always good to learn new things.


The use of technology in schools has a great effect on not only students, but teachers as well. Today, we mostly think of technology as computers, but it is much more than that.  The chalkboard is one of the first technologies introduced in classrooms
 If  we think about it Technology and Computers  has affected every aspect of our lives. From romance to business, it has shown its presence everywhere. The computers has  improved the quality and quantity of education.
Students can learn a lot more and lot faster. Some people would disagree with the accusative use of computer as a teaching tools. Becoming dependent will kill the creativity to a certain level. Twitter, Facebook, Email, skipe are the way people are socializing these days.It is faster and easier to just text message a friend then to meet with them in person.